Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grad Projects? Hmm...?

I've heard a few things about the grad Project before. I've heard some from the current 12th graders and my brother. My brother told me it was kind of fun, but annoying too. That's all he would tell me. I also talked to Zack Harms, Carly Silvio, Keke Provident, Darcie Mather, Jamar Mitchell, Joe Frice, Crystal Caven and Callan Kerley told me it could be interesting if you pick something that you have interest in.

For my Grad Project, I am thinking about doing something either in Music or Community Service. I asked my mom about it and she said I could voluenteer at the Animal Rescue League, but I'm not entirely sure just yet.

Something that I'm concerned about is getting this done on time and not getting too distracted while doing the project. Also, I'm still unsure what to do my Grad Project about.

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