Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Okay, so I think I may have my action plan now, that is after I talk to Ms. Savido about it some more and if it's good there I'll of course have to get it okay-ed by administration. So I'll hope this works.

Monday, June 22, 2009

= ^.^ =

Okay, so I completely forgot about my grad project for a little there untill Carly told me she was presenting her grad project on Wednesday, and she didn't say this untill after school, so of course my binder is in my locker. So tomorrow I need to remember to grab it; I really need to redo my action plan and update some notes.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Oh no!

So I've run into a problem, when I was going to use my internship for my interview, i can't do that anymore. I'm not getting that internship anymore. Now I'm interning at CCI in southside. So I'm going to have to find someone else to interview.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I need.....

So other than the fact that I have a pounding headache and have had it since Monday so we’re going on a week now; I haven’t been able to think strait. I partly blame the PSSAs, but I don’t know, I am having a hard time figuring out what else I need to put in my planning table but I’m working on it. While I think of something else I need to put in my table I am going to start making the list of materials that I need for my action plan. I have a general idea of what I need and I am more than likely going to be able to get this stuff no problem, it’s just I am probably under thinking things. Also, I haven't posted in a while so I figured I needed to update my blog a little.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Alright, so now I am working on my Pre-Writing thingy for my action plan. I’ve already determined that I am going to volunteer at one of the animal shelters. It might be the Humane Society, Animal Friends, or The Animal Rescue League, I haven’t really decided which one yet, but I might base it off of me internship when I get that. One of my possibilities was to intern at an animal shelter.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Back To The Calandar

So I was suppose to have an interview with a woman at the Humane Society this Saturday, however, I was unable to make the appointment and later that day she sent me an e-mail saying that she wouldn't have been able to make it either; she had a meeting to go to. So, I don't have my interview done yet, I was thinking about just trying to do it when I go and volunteer at a shelter. I don't know yet.

Friday, February 27, 2009


So I’ve gotten more information on my topic so I’m slightly delayed on writing my notes. http://www.helpinganimals.com. It’s got some info on my topic and it goes into more detail about how some animals get to the shelters; they’re abused. http://www.peta.org has some good info about this too. It shows some pictures about the abused animals (do not view if you’re squeamish or you take offence to animal cruelty). Some of the abused animals are killed but there are those that survive and when and if they get caught for their actions (best way I can put it for school) their animals are taken away from them and sent to shelters and/or vets so they can get better and then be adopted.
Next week I am going to work on my notes again especially now that I have more information.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So I finally finished my interview questions and now I’m just waiting for the woman at the humane Society or the woman at the Animal Rescue League to e-mail me back. Maybe I’ll have something by tomorrow? I don’t know, but now I’m going to start working on my notes since it’s apparently “notes week”

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So Dorothy B. Zewe e-mailed me back and forwarded my e-mail to her to her Director of Public Relations, Gretchen Fieser. She also e-mailed me back and I have an interview. Now the only think to figure out is when and how. She recommended a face to face interview because it would be more informative, but I have to see when I am able to get over there. She said that if I can’t make it we could have an e-mail interview instead.

Friday, February 20, 2009


So, I realized that I haven’t posted a blog in a while so here it is.
I'm attempting to work on my interview questions now because I just e-mailed Dorothy B. Zewe of the Humane Society and Cari Ciancio of the Animal Rescue League.
Currently I have 6 or 7 interview questions and I need to think of some more soon so that I don't keep Dorothy and Cari waiting.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Did you know.....

  1. If a dog is not licensed and it is picked up off the street, it will be impounded by the police and animal control officers.
  2. If the dog is licensed, then the dog will be held at the animal shelter for 10 days and you will be contacted.
  3. If the impounded animal is no claimed it can be put up for adoption or put to sleep after 3 days.
  4. The shelter will hold healthy animals until they get adopted.
  5. The shelters take any supplies you can give; they need them.
  6. The Animal Rescue League is one of the largest animal care shelters in the tri-state region.
  7. The Animal Rescue Leage has been open for 100 years.
  8. Did you know each day 10,000 humans are born in the U.S. and each day 70,000 puppies and kittens are born?
  9. Approximately 10,000 homeless animals enter our shelter each year
  10. Seven dogs & cats are born every day for each person born in the U.S. Of those, only 1 in 5 puppies and kittens say in their original home for their natural lifetime. The remaining 4 are abandoned to the streets or end up at a shelter

Friday, January 23, 2009

I have a question- for now

Essential Question- What happens to the animals after they are taken to the shelters?
Foundation Questions-

  1. What are some of the shelters?
  2. Why are the animals at the shelters?
  3. What types of animals are there?
  4. Are the animals in good care?
  5. Are the shelters kill or no-kill?

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Oh really?

So I've kind of changed my topic, but not completely. Instead of animal care, I'm going to look at the shelters; what happens to the animals after they're taken to the shelters? I would be volunteering at some of the local animal shelters to see what actually happens to them there.

Friday, January 9, 2009


So I think I've narrowed my topic down from community service to animal care (pets). I could visit the Animal Rescue League in East Liberty and volunteer there and help care for the animals. I would be working with the dogs, cats and small fuzzy animals that are up for adoption; caring for them and/or showing people how to care for their pets. Something like that. I could also try to raise money for the animals, or like in elementary school, I could try to get people to donate fabrics and such to make blankets.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Grad Projects? Hmm...?

I've heard a few things about the grad Project before. I've heard some from the current 12th graders and my brother. My brother told me it was kind of fun, but annoying too. That's all he would tell me. I also talked to Zack Harms, Carly Silvio, Keke Provident, Darcie Mather, Jamar Mitchell, Joe Frice, Crystal Caven and Callan Kerley told me it could be interesting if you pick something that you have interest in.

For my Grad Project, I am thinking about doing something either in Music or Community Service. I asked my mom about it and she said I could voluenteer at the Animal Rescue League, but I'm not entirely sure just yet.

Something that I'm concerned about is getting this done on time and not getting too distracted while doing the project. Also, I'm still unsure what to do my Grad Project about.