Wednesday, May 12, 2010


- Action plan on Saturday (I hope).
- Interview Saturday (I hope)
My project is kind of coming together. I have most of the website and I'm just waiting for the teacher edits for my Lit. Review; so I hope I can do at least okay on this project.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

well now

So, I think the only thing I'm really worried about for this is the actual presentation. The research and all that isn't bad at all, but I just really hate public speaking >.< I'm REALLY hoping to get my action done soon too, but once again no one will answer me. lol

Monday, May 10, 2010


So I think I'm on track. I have most of my web page done and I just handed in my paper for my teacher edit. So I'm really hoping I'm at a good spot. I should be going out this weekend to take the video for the shelter tour. However if I don't hear back from them my Twin is taking me out appertain. lol. I'm hoping it gets done though. Yes, I'm going to be willing to skip a day with one of my best friends for this >.< but if it gets done then it won't be a problem anymore.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

oh no!

So I have my paper and my web page pretty much done. Which is amazing because I didn't think I could do it with drama these past 2 weeks. :)
However, my interview was a bust, he couldn't answer any of my questions, so I have to find someone else to interview >.<
I should have my action done next week possibly (I hope)
Sense drama goes through Sunday, I'm going to try and go to the shelters on the 15th.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Ugh... >.< idk

So... this should be interesting. I have to get this project done real soon. I have more notes though, I just found a really good article about a dog who might get put down because the SHELTER thinks he's too dangerous, but the owner doesn't. After adding to my notes and looking them over again, I will probably start on my outline, but I really need to get my action done =/. The only problem with that is I haven't heard from Kat yet, but I'll ask Nina's friend Mike if he'll help me out. He probably will, sense he has epilepsy, his teacher is willing to give him a grade for helping me. So, hopefully, I can get that done this weekend, I'll just have to let Ringold I'll be late to drama.